
Making PT. BALI ASRI VALUTA Healthy and Strong supported by Excellent Service and Customer Satisfaction.


To achieve this mission we hold to the rules and regulations in the business of trust so that it can grow properly, including:

  1. Become an intermediary institution between customers (tourists) and banks.
  2. Increasing Human Resources quality.
  3. Improving systems and procedures as well as improving the quality of supervision.
  4. Improvement of Earning Asset Quality Ratio with various management measures by formulating an “Action Plan”.
  5. Development of an effective and efficient organizational structure so that the ratio between the number of workers, labor load/cost and business volume becomes more proportional and healthy.
  6. Improving the quality of Profitability to be more optimal so as to provide benefits for both stake holders and share holders.
  7. Continue to increase PVA venture capital.
  8. Increase the capacity and capability of human resources, empowerment with a wider delegation of authority and a-more firm and fair personnel policy in terms of “Reward and Funishment”.